Expert interviews Contractual risk management


Compliance with regulatory requirements has always been the basis for entrepreneurial activities. This begins with the registration of a business and ends in business management terms with the submission of the tax return for the past fiscal year. The only new aspect is that "compliance" has been used as an umbrella term for this for some years now. A strict standard applies as to how compliance is to be organized and documented in various areas. 
We at THORWART Consult will be happy to support you with our "Health Check" to structurally review your fields of action in the area of compliance. If we deduce from this that there is a concrete need for auditing or action, professional remedial action can be taken in cooperation with THORWART Lawyers Tax consultants Auditors

We would be pleased to explain to you the typical procedure within the framework of a "Health Check". Please contact us!

Contact person

Dr. jur. Alexander Grieger

Business Counsel (Univ.)